.NET-plugins for MS Office 2003, MS Media Player and MS IE

Russian version
Version 2007
Similar program

Plug-in WmpNow

Plug-in is intended for output of the information on a melody reproduced by a player.

At presence in system of service Message Queuing and local queue WmpNow the information is located in this queue of messages.

In absence of the specified objects the information is located in files in subfolder Msg of program folder (by default C:\Program Files\DkmS\Wmp Now).

System requirements.

  • MS Windows XPsp2/2003
  • MS .NET Framework ver.1.1
  • MS Windows Media Player ver.9 or 10.

 % Load archive with the program: here.


Plug-in for MS Outlook and MS Word Wmp Now playing

Plug-in It is intended for formatting and a placing into clipboard of the information about a composition reproduced in Windows Media Player ver. 9,10.

The information about composition is read out from the xml-files formed by plug-in  WmpNow.

For formatting the formatted string similar to a formatted string of method String.Format() is used.

Example of such line with the information:

 [WMP]: Here Comes The Sun [The Beatles

The plug-in functions under the control of the dispatcher of plug-ins for MS Office.

 % Load archive with the program: here.

MS Internet Explorer extension module Wmp Now playing

is intended for formatting and a placing into clipboard of the information about a composition reproduced in Windows Media Player ver. 9,10.

The information about composition is read out from the xml-files formed by plug-in  WmpNow.

For formatting the formatted string similar to a formatted string of method String.Format() is used.

Example of such line with the information:

 [WMP]: Here Comes The Sun [The Beatles


  • Take from archive an executed file NowPlaying.exe
  • Start it and on a page "About" take advantage of button "Install"
  • Adjust parameters of work - set a path to a file audio.wmpnow and a formatted string. Save a configuration.


Select menu of Internet Explorer Tools / WMP info...

 % Load archive with the program: here.


Server Control Wmp Now playing

It is intended for formatting and setting into your home page information about a composition reproduced in Windows Media Player ver. 9,10.

The information on a composition is read out from the xml-files formed by plug-in  WmpNow.

For formatting the formatted line edited by the user similar to a formatted line of method String.Format() is used.

Example of the result string with the information:

Now Playing: Summertime by Aretha Franklin (WMP ver.

For use of this control add to your page a statement like
<%@ Register TagPrefix="wmpnp" Namespace="WmpNowWC" Assembly="WmpNowWC" %>

 % Load archive with the program: here.

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